Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Recent Articles

And He Loves Us Still

Imagine we set up a meeting to spend time together discussing life and things of the Lord. The day, time, and place are agreed upon. Soon, our appointment arrives. We meet in a nice and warm environment. Before our conversation begins, we must acknowledge something which will be extremely important for both of us. Go back and read today’s scripture. What is the character trait God displays which overwhelms, humbles, and produces worship in David, as expressed in today’s scritpure? It is His omniscience or God’s ability to know all things about David; his actions, thoughts, attitudes, and everything else between.

His Treasured Possession

Deuteronomy 26:18 – And the Lord has declared today that you are a people for his treasured possession, as he has promised you, and that you are to keep all his commandments. THEME OF THE DAY: HIS TREASURED POSSESSION. How do we view our relationship with the Lord? In asking that question, I don’t want us to first look at ourselves and…

The Requirement For All Spiritual Growth

James 4:6, 10 – But He gives more grace. Therefore God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you THEME OF THE DAY: THE REQUIREMENT FOR ALL SPIRITUAL GROWTH. We must have this. It is not optional. Without it, nothing spiritually good will happen in our lives. It is the main…

The Steadfast Love Of God

Psalm 136:23 – It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever. THEME OF THE DAY: THE STEADFAST LOVE OF GOD. If anyone reading today’s nugget is suffering a little of the “spiritual blues”, maybe a little discouraged with life and their walk with the Lord, this one is for you. Actually, let me restart…

Loving Jesus More

As summer kicks into high gear and vacations unfold, it’s time for our seasonal book recommendation for your encouragement and growth in the Lord.  This summer’s selection is titled LOVING JESUS MORE.  It is a paperback consisting of 145 pages and includes a nice study guide for personal or group studies.  The author is Phil…

Our Only Hope – Do We Believe it?

Acts 2:42 – And they continued steadfast in the Apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. THEME OF THE DAY: OUR ONLY HOPE – DO WE BELIEVE IT? I need not go into great detail describing the moral condition of our country and spiritual condition in the Lord’s church. The rapid moral decline goes beyond words to describe. Rampant immorality, celebration…