Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ


Romans 11:33 – Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

Theology is the study of the nature of God, such as his attributes, his person, his relationship with humanity, and all spiritual truths which emanate from Him. Here you will find articles and resources to begin to understand the Christian theology which is the basis for our faith and our assurances of salvation.

You can begin to explore the foundation of our theological beliefs by reading our Articles of Faith, our Church Covenant, and the London Baptist Confession of 1689 (external site).

Setting Our Sights on Heaven

Why Its Hard and Why Its Worth It

As the leaves fall, nights get chilly, and autumn settles in, it’s time for our seasonal book recommendation for your encouragement and growth in the Lord. This fall’s selection is titled “SETTING OUR SIGHTS ON HEAVEN: WHY ITS HARD AND WHY ITS WORTH IT.” It is a paperback consisting of 194 pages and published by Banner of Truth. The author is Paul D. Wolfe who currently serves as Associate Pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, Virginia.

Two Types Of Spiritual Amnesia

The simple definition of “amnesia” is “the partial or total loss of memory.” This condition usually occurs due to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression, or illness. When it comes into the spiritual realm and our walks with the Lord, two conditions of “spiritual amnesia” exist. One is very unhealthy and will stop all growth and joy in the Lord. It depresses, discourages, and labels us “miserable Christians.” The other condition of spiritual amnesia is liberating and energizing. It makes getting out of bed each day worth it. It puts a “spiritual bounce” in our steps. It is the desire of the Lord for us that leads to the abundant life in Him. Let’s explore both forms of spiritual amnesia.

Overcoming Our Many Fears

We are fearful people. We were created to be fearful people, but when sin entered the world, the wrong type of fear came upon humanity. Originally, the fear God placed upon His choice creation was that of delight, purity, and a healthy reverence for Him. But then sin . . . then the devil comes and gets Eve to question God’s Word and goodness. Gone is this healthy fear. Now born into every human being is what characterized our first parents after the fall – unhealthy fear of God and being afraid in life’s circumstances. How may we overcome the many fears that come into our lives as a result of remaining sin in our hearts? How do we overcome fears that our children may not be followers of the Lord Jesus? How do we overcome the worries of life such as finances, security, and safety in a dangerous world? In today’s scripture, there are three helpful truths given to Joshua by Moses to overcome fears of all kinds.

Are We Helping Or Hindering His Process

There are two works of grace that occur in the Christian. The first is what we may call “the grace of justification.” This is a once and for all work of God declaring us “righteous” or “just” as we receive Christ Jesus as our Savior. The other work of grace in the Christian we may call “the grace of sanctification” and has two aspects. Like justification, it is a declaration by God. The word “sanctify” means to “separate for a specific purpose.” The primary work of sanctification in the believer is a process; the process of becoming more and more like the Lord Jesus. It is strongly implied in today’s scripture and a truth carried throughout the New Testament. However, unlike justification, in the process of sanctification, we play a part; a huge part.