Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ



Luke 14:27 – Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Here you will find activities and information that promotes growth in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and our journey of discipleship.

The Most Damaging Weapon In The World

In today’s scripture, we find the most damaging weapon in the world. It isn’t found in the militaries of the world’s superpowers. Nor is it contained in a nuclear missile hidden in a secret silo somewhere. The most damaging weapon lies in our mouth. It is that little piece of cartilage called the “tongue.”

Engraved In The Palms Of His Hands

Isaiah 49:16 – Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before me. THEME OF THE DAY: ENGRAVED IN THE PALMS OF HIS HANDS. Please go back and read today’s scripture. Notice what it doesn’t say. It doesn’t read, “Behold, I have put you in the palms of My hands written with dissolvable ink.” Nor…

He Knows. He Feels. He Cares.

The incarnation of the Lord Jesus is a staggering truth. As Christians we affirm that God became a man and lived among us. Without the incarnation, there is no crucifixion; without the crucifixion, there is no resurrection; and without the resurrection, there is no salvation. But it is easy to keep it wrapped up in our minds and lives only to be opened at Christmas.

Today May Be The Day

I have been reading a book titled, The Last Enemy by Michael Wittmer. It isn’t very long but is sure is a thought-provoker. No, it isn’t a war novel or some non-fiction history book about soldiers and battle. Oh, it is about an enemy and battle. And it does stimulate thinking, even a re-thinking about how one is living life. Allow me to share what I mean. He titles chapter one “Shock” and opens with “You are going to die. Take a moment to let that sink in. You are going to die. One morning the sun will rise and you won’t see it.” Wittmer got my attention. I hope he did yours. Do we realize that today may very well be our last day on earth?

Defeating All Temptations

We will be faced with it from the moment we wake up till our heads are laid upon a pillow late at night. It will come in all forms. Here are just a few; lustful looks, ungodly speech, impulsive reactions of anger in tense moments, impatience with trying people, even family members, coveting eyes, and evil thoughts. The “it” I am referring to is temptation to sin. There will not be a moment this side of heaven free from temptation. It never rests, takes a vacation, or cuts us slack. It also will never just roll over in its intensity to draw us to commit sin. And when it comes to temptation, it only applies to the Christian. Unbelievers are dead in sin and are immune to temptation. All they do is sin, but not the believer.

It Doesn’t Take Much But It Accomplishes Much

We live in dangerous and scary times and that includes dangerous spiritual times. For the Christian, I am not referring primarily to persecution and the threat of being martyred. Granted, that is real and happening in our world today, but not in our neighborhoods or churches today – yet. We face a serious spiritual threat described by the Apostle Paul in a letter to a young pastor named Timothy (2 Timothy 3:1-5a). Pay attention to Paul’s list of the signs of end times. The first sign of end times is what causes Christians the greatest problem in their lives robbing them of the joy of walking with Jesus. It is the sin of selfishness; a focus on me, my, and mine. Paul calls it “people being lovers of self.” Then notice another characteristic in the middle of Paul’s list – “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”