Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ



Luke 14:27 – Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Here you will find activities and information that promotes growth in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and our journey of discipleship.

Being Christ To Other Christians

As we read Paul’s penetrating statement in today’s scripture, two things are present. First is the affirmation – “You were running well.” The Apostle Paul does something else. He asks a soul-searching question of spiritual accountability – “Who hindered you from obeying the truth?” Today’s Nugget explores this passage and our willingness to do two things in our relationships with other Christians: love them without conditions and invest in their spiritual lives.

Why Do We Want To Go To Heaven?

Heaven. The Bible doesn’t give us a lot of detail about heaven, but what we know thrills the soul. In the Revelation, the Apostle John describes some of the characteristics of this promised land for believers (Revelation 21:1-4). Yes, heaven is going to be an incredible place, but I want us to think about heaven today, not in the direction of a place we are going, but to a Person we will see.

Two Reasons To Get Out Of Bed

I know today’s theme has obvious answers. We have responsibilities that won’t allow us to simply pull up the covers and snuggle in for a long winter’s day of sleep. In today’s scripture, there are two spiritual truths which will energize and motivate us to get out of bed and into our day with eternal purpose: the love of Christ and our union in Christ. These two truths enable us to start each day, no matter the season, with joy, purpose, and a rejoicing heart.

Spiritual Maturity: Two Signs

A couple of things happen in the Christian life as one grows older and deeper in the Lord. These things are signs of spiritual maturity. The first one is we grow humble and realize how little we know of the Christian life. A second sign of growing mature in the Lord is taken from Jesus’ example in responding to Pilate’s accusations and applied to the amount of talk we do. Take a journey back in our Christian lives. Did conversations occur when we should have listened more and talked less?

The Two “H’s” Necessary For Spiritual Growth

Once we experience new birth in Christ, we begin the process of growing in Christ; a growth in grace and knowledge of Him. This process is what theologians call “sanctification”. As it unfolds, we learn this is a cooperative work with the Lord. We may pray and pray and pray, even beg God to help us know and grow in Him but nothing happens without our effort. It has been said concerning spiritual progress and service, “Work as if it all depends on us and trust as if it all depends on God.”

The Best Gift We Give

Giving. It is the very nature of God. He gives – a lot and overflowing. The most familiar verse in the Bible reads, “For God so loved the world that He gave” (John 3:16). And He does so, not reluctantly, but freely and fully. Our Lord even told us, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Yes, God is the Supreme Giver and has left us in the life of the Lord Jesus the example to follow. And in our relationship with the Lord, the best thing we give Him is ourselves; all of us.