Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ



Clothing Ministry Update

It’s been a while since we last gave you an update. Much has happened. In John 4:34 Jesus says: “My food is to do the will of the Father and to accomplish His work.” He followed up on His Word by remaining in constant communion with the Father through prayer. Jesus’ example is why meet on a regular basis to pray. Over the past 5½ years, the Lord has made us apply and believe that the end result of what we do in obedience – is up to God. It’s essential that we remain fed by His Word and prayer. We operate on the truth that nothing is impossible with God.

Saved To Love

If I were to sit down with you and ask, “Why did God save us?” I am sure we would dialogue along answers such as; to display His grace and glory, to make us like His Son, to show the world God’s love, to free us from His wrath, to forgive us our sins, and to take us to heaven to enjoy His presence forever. Those are legitimate Biblical answers to why God displayed His amazing and saving grace in His plan of salvation. However, I think there is a reason above all of these. Yes, I know the chief end of all things is the glory of God, but what I am about to share accomplishes this end and does so more than anything else we may do in the Christian life.

Entering Our Hurting Worlds

We need to catch the repeated phrase in Solomon’s words found in today’s scripture. They are the saddest words which may be ever said by a people; ‘no one to comfort them.’ And for the church of Jesus Christ, it is the severest of indictments to receive. The worst assessment the world could ever say of us who profess to know and follow the God who is love is ‘they don’t care.’