Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Church Life


Activities and information that promote our growth as Christians and our relationship with Christ within the corporate body of the Church.

Are We Burdened For The Church?

2 Corinthians 11:28 – And apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. THEME OF THE DAY. ARE WE BURDENED FOR THE CHURCH? A little confession and disclosure time. Some people have asked me, “Jim, how do you write these nuggets and how can you do so many?” First of all, there…

When We Don’t Feel Like Church

I want you to be honest. Real honest. Are there ever any Sunday mornings you don’t feel like going to church? If you were to tell me, “Nope. I have never once had a Sunday I didn’t want to go to church.” If that is you, I am envious. I cannot say that . . . I’ve experienced a Sunday or two when I wasn’t too thrilled about going to church. And I think each of you would be in my camp, but before I offer the strongest motivator possible to be faithful to church, week-in and week-out, I want to identify four reasons or excuses for missing church.

The Marks Of A Healthy Church

Today’s scripture provides the necessary elements for a church to be healthy (Acts 2:42). All of these must be active, alive, and safeguarded if we are to model God’s design for the church He reveals in His Word. There are four identified by Luke. First, there must be the commitment to sound Biblical teaching or doctrine. The next element in a healthy church is fellowship among God’s people. A third element in a healthy church is observance of the Lord’s table – “the breaking of bread.” The final element in a healthy church is a vibrant prayer ministry.

Beholding Jesus Christ

Here are three things I want us to do with today’s nugget. First, stop thinking about all that we must do today; the responsibilities, tasks, demands and their associated anxieties, worries, and stresses. The next thing to do with today’s nugget is think about our relationship with Jesus Christ. The final thing to do in reading this nugget is to think on seeing Jesus Christ face-to-face or ponder today’s scripture – “Your eyes will behold the King in His beauty”.

Delightful Company

Ephesians 4:1-3 – I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. THEME OF THE DAY. DELIGHTFUL COMPANY. I grew up…

Why Pray?

Why Pray? It is a question I ponder often. It is a good question for each us. Why do we pray? There are multiple reasons. Some have valid Biblical support. Some may not. In the simplest of reasons, we pray because God commands us to pray. There are other reasons. We want God to do something in our lives or situations; we need help beyond ourselves; and we ask Him to intervene in the lives of those we care about for things like salvation and healing. Yet, a true understanding of prayer goes beyond those reasons.