Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Assurance: The Great Promise of Romans 8:28 – Part 2

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

A. The Ministries of the Holy Spirit

1. He has set us free Romans 8:1

2. He indwells the believer Romans 8:9

3. He assures us of future resurrection Romans 8:11

4. He equips us to fight sin Romans 8:13

5. He leads the children of God Romans 8:14

6. He affirms our adoption in God’s family Romans 8:15-16

7. He creates longing and the hope for final salvation Rom. 8:23

8. He helps believers pray while interceding for them Rom. 8:26

B. The Promise of Assurance

1. The Personal Assurance in the Promise: Rom. 8:28


2. The Giver of the Promise: Our Sovereign God: Romans 8:28

a. He can work all things for good: He is powerful in all His works: Rom. 8:28a

– The requirement of God having the ability: Matt. 8:23-27, Jeremiah 32:17, 27

b. He can work all things for good: He is sovereign in all His works: Rom. 8:28b

– The requirement of God being in complete control: Daniel 4:35, Ps. 115:3, Ps. 103:19, 1 Tim. 6:13-15

c. He can work all things for good: He is good in all His works: Rom. 8:28c

– The requirement of God being good: 2 Chronicles 30:18, Ps. 25:8, Matt. 19:17, Ps. 145:9, Ps. 33:5, Ps. 119:68, Ps. 86:4-5, Num. 10:29, Gal. 5:22-23, Acts 10:38, Ps. 23:6

d. He can work all things for good: He is purposeful in all His works: Rom. 8:28

– The requirement of God doing all tings according to His will. Rom. 8:28, Eph 1:11, Ps. 57:2,  Ps. 138:8, Phil. 2:12-14