Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Untangling Emotions

Recommendation from Pastor Jim Sole (April 01, 2024): TAKE UP AND READ. Our book of the month recommendation in our church for April is . . . Untangling Emotions by J. Alasdair Grove/ Winston T. Smith, published by Crossway, 240 pages.

This is an excellent read addressing a battle all of us face – emotions.   Here is a description of the book . . .
Our emotions are complex. Some of us seem able to ignore our feelings, while others feel controlled by them. But most of us would admit that we don’t always know what to do with how we feel.
The Bible teaches us that our emotions are an indispensable part of what makes us human—and play a crucial role in our relationships with God and others. Exploring how God designed emotions for our good, this book shows us how to properly engage with our emotions—even the more difficult ones like fear, anger, shame, guilt, and sorrow—so we can better understand what they reveal about our hearts and handle them wisely in everyday moments.

We highly recommend this book for your own growth, to be read with another person, and to equip you to minister to other Christians.

Untangling Emotions: by J. Alasdair Grove/ Winston T. Smith, published by Crossway, 240 pages

Where to Get It: