Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Transforming Grace

Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love

Recommendation from Pastor Jim Sole (March 01, 2024): The opening chapter title excites us to read this book that will be a great help in learning how to live by God’s grace, and not our conduct. The title is The Performance Treadmill. Bridges writes, “We are all legalistic by nature; that is, we innately think so much performance by us earns so much blessing from God. Not only are we legalistic by nature, but our Christian culture also reinforces this attitude. Though no one ever comes right out and says so, somehow the vague impression is created in our minds that we’d better do those things or God will not bless us” (page 16).

I highly recommend this book for the Christian who struggles with God loving them and want to walk in the liberating truth of their position in Christ and confidence in God’s unfailing love despite their failing Christian practice. (edited) 

Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love by Jerry Bridges, published by NAVPRESS, 254 pages, paperback.

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Recommendation from Pastor Jim Sole (April 17, 2020): I hope this is finding you well as we live out day-by-day the unfolding of God’s sovereign and providential will for His world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our normal routines have been radically altered, and the world’s busyness in activities, events, and social life has been removed…