Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

In God’s Waiting Room

EXODUS 14:13-14 – And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”


THEME OF THE DAY. IN GOD’S WAITING ROOM.  I don’t think we are very good at it.  The age we live in with the technological advancements, quick access to information, and ability to communicate instantaneously make us not very good at it.  All these contribute to our struggles when God puts us in one of His choice means of growing us in the likeness of His Son, the Lord Jesus –  His waiting room. But perhaps some of us may think we don’t struggle too much in this area, maybe a little, but, overall, we are doing okay.  Well, here are some tests to see where we stand when God places us in His waiting room.


Let’s first look at life in general. When called to wait on things of this temporal world, do we ever get impatient and irritated?  Like in traffic?  Like at a doctor’s appointment that is thirty minutes late?  Like in a long check-out line in a store? Like when a distracted child is slow getting ready to go somewhere?  Like a slow internet connection?  There are many more “calls to waiting” in life we may each add to the list.  How we respond in these simplest of calls to wait on temporal things give us clear evidence of how well we are doing in the far more important area of waiting – on God.  And that leads to the next test.


Should God decide to delay giving us guidance in a situation, deliverance from a tough circumstance, or answer our prayers, how do we respond?  As we determine our responses, remember there are only two – rebellion or submission.  Yes – rebellion.  Please don’t delete today’s nugget with words like, “Pastor Jim, I don’t rebel against God.  Yes, I may get a little impatient as the Lord isn’t answering my prayers or giving me guidance when and how I would like, but rebellion? That is harsh.  No, I don’t rebel.”   Okay. Stay with me.  What is submission to the Lord?  It is glad resignation in faith, trust, and love that says, “I believe You know what You are doing.  Your purposes for me are always right and good and that includes putting me in Your school of waiting. I don’t understand what You are doing, but I gladly surrender and trust what You are doing.” That is the only acceptable response should God put us in His school of waiting.


Back to rebellion.  When we are impatient and irritated in God’s school of waiting, these attitudes send messages of rebellion to heaven – “Lord, why aren’t You answering my prayers?  What are You not helping me?  This situation is too much for me.  I cannot take these circumstances anymore.”    Should we find ourselves growing impatient and irritated toward the Lord while being in His school of waiting, we are living in unbelief, not faith, and demonstrating resistance to the work He wants to do in our lives as we wait upon Him. Friends, God’s choicest “schools” He enrolls His children in for spiritual growth are suffering and waiting.  It is vital we learn the proper response, glad submission instead of rebellious complaining.


Yes, waiting on God is hard.  Some of the most intense times of spiritual warfare occur when waiting upon Him but persevere.  There are spiritual lessons to learn that may only be taught, then caught, and taught again to others while enrolled in God’s school of waiting.


PRAYER: “Father, help me to not grumble or complain when You call me to wait upon You.”


QUOTE: “Waiting on the Lord is never passive. It is one of the most intense areas of spiritual warfare.”


Because of Him,


Pastor Jim