Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Requirements For True Happiness

Psalm 112:1 – Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!”


THEME OF THE DAY. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR TRUE HAPPINESS.  One of the definitions for the word “blessed” is “happiness” or “to be happy.”  Isn’t that the innermost cry of every human being, Christian and non-Christian?  If we went out to a mall or place of large crowds and did a survey of a hundred people with just one question, “Do you want to be happy in life?”, I think the response would be 100% “yes.”  If it isn’t, befriend the person who answers “no”. They are in a bad way and need a “friend that sticks closer than a brother.”  But go back to those same hundred people with another survey question, “Where do you believe happiness is found?”  There would be no complete agreement. In fact, I am not sure if we would get a majority agreeing.  Why?  Because the world is an ever-increasing place of Biblical illiteracy and ungodliness pushing the human quest for happiness to never-delivering things such as materialism, social status, reputation, vocation, education, drugs, alcohol, sex, and a host of other worldly and God-void things.


So, if every human is created for happiness, and they are for God wired us for happiness, where may we find it?  Where may we go to get that soul-contenting joy of inward contentment which defines true happiness?  Today’s scripture contains the two requirements, and places, where true happiness is found and enjoyed.


First, true happiness comes from fearing the Lord.  When the soul is encountering the holy, holy, holy God, His fear deepens within.  It produces a wonderful harmony of awe, reverence, submission, and a spirit of contentment filled with joy and peace.  No Christian may adequately define in a comprehensive way this fear, but all true Christians know the experience.  They know the soul-satisfaction which brings a soul to rest, contented in God alone. And when the fear of the Lord, which contains the love of the Lord, controls the heart, happiness is a sure thing; the happiness that isn’t fleeting like the world, but stable and enduring for all of time and eternity.


The second place true happiness lies is in the heart of the person “who greatly delights in His commandments.” Now be cautious in quickly saying “That is me. I delight in the Bible so I should be happy.”  This is not a simple acknowledgement of the personal value one places in the Word of God.  Nor is it a reading of the Bible to make us feel good when feeling down or need a lift. No.  The person who knows happiness through the Word of God is the one who is doing three things; making the Bible a high priority in their life – “greatly delights”; then understanding commandments are not nice things to know, but God’s directions for life not to be ignored.  The final step in the person knowing happiness from the Word of God is an active practice of obeying the Word on purpose while “doing life.”  Do we know that the happiest person in life is the Christian committed out of delight and discipline to obey the commands of God?  Since God is the source and center of our happiness, He has ordained that any enjoyment of Him must include obeying His Word. There is a work of the Spirit of settling the soul when we promptly and purposefully obey His Word.  And where the fear of God is found in the heart, obedience to the One we fear always follows.


Beloved, the world offers us “fool’s gold” and empty promises when it comes to happiness.  Don’t be deceived by the craftiness of the world.  God has provided all we need for happiness now and forever.  It is found in the simplicity of fearing Him and obeying His Word.  May the Lord find us “happy Christians” as we do both.


PRAYER: “Lord, help me to seek happiness by the right ways – Your ways.”


QUOTE: “There is no true or lasting happiness apart from happiness knowing God’s ways.”


Because of Him,


Pastor Jim