Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Question of All Questions

LUKE 6:46 – Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”


THEME OF THE DAY: THE QUESTION OF ALL QUESTIONS.  In the journey of parenting, have you ever placed yourself in the futile position caused by asking the “why did you do that?” of your children?  I say, “futile position” because from a human perspective, our children may use the “easy out” answer – “I don’t know.”  When that response is fired back, where do you go then?  Not a whole lot of options.  You may resort to a dissertation on the omniscience of God which isn’t bad, but for the most part, the “I don’t know” is the easy way out of not dealing with the core issue of the heart.  We likely have all experienced both the “why” question and the easy escapism answer of “I don’t know” as a parent and/or a child.  I qualify in both categories.  First, growing up giving the “easy out, I don’t know answer” to my parents at one time or another and then as a parent asking it of my children. You see, the “why” question isn’t bad.  It is actually good.  The “why” question drives deep to the heart of the matter because it is the heart of the matter.  The problem is our corruption tends to make us defensive with pride when asking it on a human level.  We may escape the probing “why” when it comes to human relationships, but when the question “Why?” comes from our Savior, the Lord Jesus, the “I don’t know” answer no longer works.  The One giving the question and the one receiving it are aware this answer doesn’t really exist (Hebrews 4:13).


In Luke’s gospel, chapter six beginning in verse 17, we have Dr. Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount given by Matthew.  In Luke 6:39-45, a parable about judging others occurs.  Then the “Why” question appears from our Lord Jesus in verse 46 – Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do what I tell you?


Now it would be rather easy for me to take this soul-revealing, motive revealing, and life-purpose revealing question by Jesus and get “preachy” with a list.  I could say, “Okay, brothers and sisters, the Lord probes our hearts and corners us to come to grips with our obedience.  Are we consistent?  For instance, sharing the Gospel passionately, loving each other sacrificially, searching His Word diligently, fellowshipping with His people consistently?”  Yes, I could generate a long list.  Actually, I did generate a short list.  However, I am going to leave the extended list to you.  I need to deal with the face-to-face encounter with my Lord personally.  I need to sit at Jesus’ feet and with His loving, but searching eyes (Revelation 1:14), allow Him to measure my obedience followed up with the “why” question.


First, I must take the time aside from the busyness of life and let Jesus say, “Jim, how is your obedience to My revealed commands?”  Then, would come the “why” question should my obedience be found incomplete. Then I am confronted with “Why is that so, Jim.  You call me, Lord, right?” and then, once I am thoroughly weaned from the nonexistent “I don’t know answer” which actually means I am being stripped of pride, I am positioned to receive what I desperately need for ALL OBEDIENCE – grace; overflowing, immeasurable, and wonderful grace.


You see the “why” question really comes down to the destruction of pride.  All disobedience stems from independence from God which is the product of pride.  When I face up to incomplete obedience and the Lord graciously exposes me to me, humility takes root.  I begin to see everything I am, everything I do, and everything which will ever be of eternal value is solely based on His enabling grace.  The “why” lets me really see my need and when the Lord shows us our need, it is a great gift of His love!  Spend some time at the feet of Jesus and let Him evaluate your obedience.  If you find areas of your obedience lacking consistence and fervency, let the loving, but revealing question of “Why?” drive you to true humility and His never-failing grace.


Prayer: “Father, may Your Spirit enable us to see our constant need of enabling grace for a life of consistent obedience!”


Quote:  “Obedience is our measurement of love for God.  The why question from the Lord reveals our love or lack of for Him.”



Because of Him,


Pastor Jim