Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Christian Life In One Verse

GALATIANS 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”


THEME OF THE DAY. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IN ONE VERSE.  Count how many times personal pronouns appear in today’s scripture.  Seven.  Now count references to Christ including pronouns and titles.  Four.  In the combination of both and in one single verse, the Apostle Paul intensely and intentionally describes the true meaning and definition of a Christian. He also tells us how to live the Christian life.  Do we see these truths?


First, the meaning and definition of the Christian life; union with Christ. Go back and read how Paul describes the closest and most intimate relationship a human being may ever have.  It is oneness with the Lord Jesus in His crucifixion – “I have been crucified with Christ” and a union or oneness in His resurrection – “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”   Friends, we must remember what happened to us when God saved us. God placed us in union with His Son; a oneness so close, so intimate, and so relevant for living in this world as He intends.  If we forget, and we easily do, two things will happen and neither good.


We will attempt to live the impossible Christian life in the strength of ourselves.  If we don’t grasp our oneness with Christ, every spiritual privilege will be done in the strength of our flesh and fail miserably.  Here is just one example.  Have you ever woken up on Sunday morning, not really feeling like going to church, rushing to get ready, running late, and mindlessly arrived not ready to meet the Lord?  You didn’t spiritually prepare. You simply did what Christians do; go to church on Sunday. There was no spirit of anticipation of meeting the Lord. No expectation He would make Himself known to you.  You sang with your mouth while your heart never made into the building.  None of that will happen if we keep reminding ourselves, and discipline our thinking, of our intimate and inseparable union with Christ, the Head of the church.  The second thing which will happen if we fail to grasp and live by faith our union with Christ is we will be defeated by temptation and sin every time they come knocking on the door of our hearts.  We cannot defeat sin without applying our union with Christ in each battle.  Satan laughs and sin “licks its chops” when they see Christians trying to fight both in the strength of themselves.  Defeated Christians are mindless Christians who are failing to remember their union with Christ in His death and resurrection.


The second thing the Apostle Paul tells us in how to live the Christian life – “I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”  What he provides for us is a simple roadmap directing us how to live the Christian life and the motives to persevere in doing so.  Everything we do and what chiefly honors the Lord is the life of faith; trusting Him, His Word, and His power to enable us to live for His glory by obeying His Word.  Without faith, we cannot please Him (Hebrews 11:6).  But the faith life is a weary life.  We get tired spiritually.  We get discouraged.  The battles are tough.  We might even be tempted to “take a break” from the spiritual life or go slack on our obedience.  How do we keep on keeping on?  Paul would remind us how – remembering Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us – “the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”  When tempted away from spiritual zeal, run to the cross.  Sit at the bleeding feet of Jesus. Remember His love and sacrifice. It will recover us from spiritual laziness and indifference.


Isn’t the Bible an amazing gift God has given to us?  In one single verse, we get enough truth and application to live out the entire Christian life.  May God help us make it so in our lives on a consistent basis.