Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

God-Given Desires

MALACHI 3:16 – Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name.”


THEME OF THE DAY: GOD-GIVEN DESIRES. Let’s face it.  All believers experience the pain of doubt.  We do have  those times we struggle with being a Christian and especially so when we see how far short we keep failing in the Christian life.  Now not all Christians will suffer this terrible spiritual experience to the same degree, but be a little cautious of the Christian who says, “I have never doubted my salvation.”  That person will have a hard time standing beside many Godly saints, not only in the Bible, but in church history.  Charles Spurgeon once said, “Doubt the person who has never doubted.”  The person who never struggles with assurance is ignorant of the deceptive power of Satan and may be failing to do regular self-examination of themselves by scripture.  Now I am not advocating for us to question our salvation. But doubt is a very real tactic of the devil, and doubts simply are part of the spiritual warfare we are called to fight.  I once remember a Christian telling me, “I have never once doubted my salvation.”  The statement came to me in the spirit of combativeness and even disagreement when I talked of the realities of doubt in the serious Christian. Sadly, when I observed this individual’s life, I had every reason to doubt him. I wasn’t being cruel and judging him, but I saw worldliness, spiritual indifference, spiritual inconsistency, a rude spirit, and a life very focused on self.


When it comes to doubt, and battling it, God has not left us to ourselves to spiritually slug it out with the devil and a condemning conscience.  His Word gives us numerous tests to take which will encourage and give us assurance.  Most of these tests are found in 1 John.  If doubt is a struggle, go to the Apostle John’s first letter and bury ourselves in it.  It will bring great joy of assurance as we see the signs of new birth in us.  Another test to gain assurance is in today’s scripture.


The prophet Malachi makes a statement which is an acid test of being a Christian.  It also gives wonderful assurance if we find this truth in us and alive.  He identifies three marks which are God-given desires and always present in the child of God. They are the fear of the Lord, close fellowship with other believers, and praying with other believers.  Do we see them?  Settle in on his words – “Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them.”  Where the fear of the Lord is present in His people so will be the desire to be with His people and pray with His people. This is part of the “package” of being born again.  Christians love to be with other Christians.  They won’t allow the world to pull them away from being with God’s people. Here is a good test to see if this desire is alive in us.  When Sundays come, is worship in God’s house with God’s people a non-negotiable in our lives?  Or do we allow worldly activities to replace the Lord on His Day?  It is never a good sign when we absent ourselves from Sunday worship on purpose and worse yet, for things of the world.  Imagine the heart and mind of the Lord when we allow, even schedule, the things of the world to override the one day of the week He expects us to make the things of His Word the priority?  Healthy Christians will not sacrifice the Lord’s Day with His people on the altars of the world.


Another God-given desire giving us assurance of salvation is our hunger and practice of praying with other Christians. At salvation, God plants within us a passion to know Him.  And this is largely realized through prayer.  Do a study of prayer in the early book of Acts as it was practiced in the 1st century church. Prayer, together, was dominant.  It will be so among us too for it is a desire that comes from heaven in the new born child of God.  Practice it and assurance grows.


Yes, the battle against doubt is sometimes intense, but take the tests found in today’s scripture – fearing God, hunger to be with God’s people, and praying with God’s people. If we pass them, we go a long way in gaining assurance of our life in Christ.


PRAYER: “Father, I praise You for Your people and the love we share from You with one another”


QUOTE: “God’s children love to be with God’s children. It is a fruit of new birth.”


Because of Him,


Pastor Jim