Pleasing God, Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Living In His Presence

PROVERBS 5:21 – For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths.”


THEME OF THE DAY. LIVING IN HIS PRESENCE. The theme of today’s nugget contains both a truth that is unchanging and an awareness we must cultivate.  Obviously, all human beings – Christians and non-Christians – live in the presence of the living God.  Theologians call this attribute of the eternal God His omnipresence. It is the doctrine that God does not have size or spatial dimensions and is present at every point of space with His whole being, yet acts differently in different places. The latter part of the definition, acts differently in different places, leads us to the second part of today’s nugget – an awareness we must cultivate.  The truth that we constantly live in the presence of God does not mean we consciously live out this truth.  And whether or not we do will define the quality of walk with Him, our worldview, and how we conduct ourselves in all our relationships. Let’s explore the impacts of learning to cultivate a life lived in the conscious awareness of God’s presence.

First, living in the conscious awareness of God’s presence puts a guard on our speech.  Always remember there is never a private conversation with another individual or individuals.  God is present in all dialogues.  Talking to our spouses late at night includes God’s listening ear. Conversing with our family over dinner includes God’s listening ear. Dialoguing with other Christians or co-workers includes God’s listening ear.  So, that means the prayer of David should be ours – “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Speak words of edification, truth, and love. Avoid gossip, slander, anger, cutting words, or anything that would embarrass and shame us if Jesus was in the conversation.  After all, He is.  Living in God’s presence safeguards wholesome speech.


Next, living in the conscious awareness of God’s presence is a great filter when choosing what websites we visit, what we post on Facebook, text to people, and where we go for recreation and entertainment.  Jesus said to His disciples and us, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). That certainly applied with the command He gave to “Go into all the nations and make disciples” but it also applies in all other areas of life.  Imagine if we made every decision on how to use our free time with the thought, “Jesus is with me.”  It would make a difference.


As we learn to live in the conscious awareness of God, it is important we understand something.  We are not “walking on eggshells” in every conversation and everywhere we go.  No, living in His presence does not make us afraid we are going to say something wrong or do something displeasing to the Lord and He is going to “come down upon us” with anger.  Not at all.  Learning to live in the conscious awareness of His presence makes us want to say things and do things to please Him because we love Him.  We actually walk in confidence knowing we are given opportunities in our conversations and daily lives to make decisions that say, “Yes, Lord, I love You.  Thank You for walking with me.”   So, let’s ask God to help us live aware of Him, not in our heads, but hearts and lives.


PRAYER: “Father, help me live both aware in my knowledge of Your Presence and conscientiously in my life.”


QUOTE: “God is everywhere.  Nothing escapes His eyes, and what a motivator for a Christian to live for His honor.”


Because of Him,


Pastor Jim